Nimbus eCommerce how to sell online

Six Strategies for Ecommerce: How to Sell Online

Running an eCommerce business is hard, but fortunately there are a few strategies that will help make your life easier and allow you to focus on what\’s most important: selling products. In this article we\’ll look at six tips for running an eCommerce business and how they can be used to increase sales and improve customer loyalty.

#1 – Focus on the Customer Journey

The customer journey is the way in which a customer interacts with a business, from the moment they are first introduced to the brand to the point that they make a purchase – and beyond. For an eCommerce business, this could be anything from purchasing products to opening their account or even just browsing your website.

Customer journeys are usually broken down into smaller steps and then analyzed for ways they can be improved upon. It’s important to identify points of friction and smooth them over. This will help you find new opportunities to grow your eCommerce business and convert more visitors into customers.

#2 – Speed Up Your Website

One of the best ways to increase conversions is by increasing website speed. This not only improves user experience, but it also has a direct impact on your bounce rate and Google rankings.

So how can you increase website speeds? There are many factors that come into play here, so try testing different strategies until you find what works for you. For example, using a CDN (content delivery network) can help speed up your website by reducing server load.

#3 – Make Your Site Easy to Use

Another strategy is to put the most important content on the first page of your website so visitors don\’t have to scroll down as far in order to find what they\’re looking for. It\’s important to signpost information properly and ensure that users can easily navigate from one page to the next.

You should include a search bar and a sitemap in order to make it easy for users to find their way around. The site map can link back to all the important pages and provide an overview of your entire website, while the search bar is there for when visitors need quick access or want to find a certain item.


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#4 – Establish Trust

People are more likely to buy from a website they trust, so make sure you build up your reputation by showing visitors how trustworthy and professional you are.

For example, include reviews on product pages that show off what other customers think about the items, use customer testimonials in order to demonstrate the quality of your products, and provide detailed information about your eCommerce business.

This will help build trust in the eyes of potential customers who are looking for more information before they decide to buy something.

#5 – Content Marketing

If you want to sell more products without spending millions on marketing campaigns, then content marketing is the way forward. When done properly it can help increase traffic and leads while also helping with conversions.

Some of the most successful eCommerce companies use this strategy in order to drive sales through a number of different channels such as social media, email newsletters or blog posts on their website.

For customers, it provides a way to get valuable information and learn more about the products you sell while also increasing engagement with your brand.

The most important thing is to provide content that\’s helpful for users so they keep coming back again and again. Focus on building trust through useful and informative material in order to attract and convert more visitors.

#6 – App Integration

As technology advances, more and more people are shopping online through their mobile devices. This means it\’s important for all eCommerce businesses to make sure they have an app where customers can purchase items directly from their phone or tablet.

By providing this service you will get more sales while also improving customer loyalty, and the best part is that there are many different ways to integrate an app into your website.

You could use a third party service like Shopify in order to build and customize your own store, or you can simply offer the option of downloading it from iTunes or Google Play instead.

This will allow customers to do everything they need straight from their mobile device without having to open up another browser window.


The customer journey is what separates successful eCommerce businesses from those that fail to meet their targets. By increasing site speed, ensuring an easy user experience, increasing trust and demonstrating your expertise, you\’ll be able to draw in more visitors and then convert them into paying customers.



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